Job Openings
The Arbor Church
Facilities Personnel Openings
PAINTER/FACILITY ASSISTANT (PT Hourly) Interior and exterior painting and special painting project facility assistance. IMMEDIATE but somewhat flexible. [$17/hr]
SECOND FLOOR CUSTODIAL WORKER (PT Hourly 4-6 hrs. a week) to clean the Upstairs areas (not including the worship center areas) two times a week for 2-3 hours flexible days and hours depending on use schedule and worker availability. [$14-15/hr]
AUDITORIUM CUSTODIAL WORKER (PT Hourly - 4-6 hrs/week) Vacuum aisles and rows, Pick up trash, straighten racks, clean/sanitize altar & end caps. This task will need to be done between Wednesday afternoon and Sunday morning flexible days and hours depending on use schedule and worker availability. [$14-15/hr]
THIRD SHIFT CUSTODIAL WORKER (PT Hourly 10 hrs/wk.) to clean the Cafe & Cafe Bathrooms 2 Hours Nightly (M-F) between the hours of 11:30 pm- 5:30 am this schedule is not flexible and must be accomplished on the days and times listed. [$17-18/hr]
GYMNASIUM/COMMUNITY CENTER CUSTODIAL WORKER (PT 6-8 Hrs/week) to clean Gymnasium/Bathrooms/East side classrooms flexible days and hours depending on use schedule and worker availability. [$14-15/hr]
Please submit your resume and send an email of interest to Pastor Johnny Maguire at - he will respond with a person-to-person appointment.