Go Deeper
Sermon Questions
February 23, 2025
Impact - Acts 20 & 21
Scripture: Acts 20:17-24; 36-38 & Acts 21:1-4;10-14
1. Pastor John remind us that "the world isn't yet healed but the peace to overcome has been given. How have you seen the tension of this in your own life?
2. In what ways are you tempted to live for things that are temporal? What needs to be surrendered in your life in order to live for things that cannot be taken away?
3. What false identity are you tempted to live out of? What might living as an adopted child look like in your own life?
4. How does wearing the right "prescription" of today and eternity change the way you view your fears?
March 2, 2025
Pastor Abi Upleger
1. Read Acts 20:7-12. How does Paul and the church show up for Eutychus? How is God's story of redemption reflected in Eutychus' life and the life of the church?
2. How is God calling you to participate in the life of the church right now?
3. What is your testimony? How has God used the church to shape your testimony?